Friday, November 26, 2010

Corn Maze

(Here is my reckless attempt to get my blog up to date with the pictures in my camera)

Our family plus Russ' parents and our nephews and niece made our way to the Big Horse Feed Corn Maze. It's an annual tradition in our family. It's a fairly large maze. I believe it is the biggest one in southern California. You are trucking your way through corn fields with corn up to the top of your head. Trying to make it through the course. This is the first year we didn't finish, which is disappointing. But at least the crew gave it a try.

The kids had a lot of fun. Afterward we headed over to a restaurant and had a nice lunch before we took the 2 hour drive home.

There are a lot of fun activities there for kids. As you could see. : )

And of course the Stade clan goofing around.

the girls went on pony rides

Here are some pictures of the corn maze. I think we gave up looking for station 6 out of 10. The group made a quick decision and found the biggest break in the corn for an emergency exit. And then to take a break from walking the kids went in the jumper and then got their face painted. : )

The cousins minus Austyn who wouldn't sit down for his picture.

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