Friday, June 22, 2012

Penelope Preschool graduation

 I'm not going to mention that it has been a long time.  I'm just not going to say it.  I'm moving on from that, ok?  Okay.  I'm glad we are on the same page.  : D   

I wanted to upload some photos of Penelope graduating from  preschool.  She did a great job during the performance.  I'm very proud of her and that she is getting over her stage fright.  My little girl is growing up and Mommy isn't quite ready for it yet.  She'll be turning 5 next month.  Every once in a while I will say to Penelope, "Mommy has decided that you can't turn 5.  You have to stay my little girl." To which she will reply, "Naaa, Mom."   : (   I can't believe it.  Where did the time go?  She'll be starting kindergarten this August!


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