Above is some more pictures of our little girl. We are all doing pretty well, the latching on breastfeeding is doing fine. We are learning how to deal with some of her sleep habits. She only wants to sleep in bed next to us. And her feeding schedule to make sure she is getting enough to eat. If everyone can keep her in prayer. She has developed a little infection on her head where they attached the fetal monitoring during the labor. She is currently on oral antibiotics and we are putting warm compresses to hopefully drain the infection. Right now she seems to be fighting it. But if she develops a fever we are going to have to take her to the hospital for IV antibiotics. Pray that this infection gets healed quickly.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
our little angel
Above is some more pictures of our little girl. We are all doing pretty well, the latching on breastfeeding is doing fine. We are learning how to deal with some of her sleep habits. She only wants to sleep in bed next to us. And her feeding schedule to make sure she is getting enough to eat. If everyone can keep her in prayer. She has developed a little infection on her head where they attached the fetal monitoring during the labor. She is currently on oral antibiotics and we are putting warm compresses to hopefully drain the infection. Right now she seems to be fighting it. But if she develops a fever we are going to have to take her to the hospital for IV antibiotics. Pray that this infection gets healed quickly.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Our little bundle of joy
We had our little bundle of joy on Thursday, July 19th at 10:06 pm. She is so absolutely gorgeous! She weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 21 inches long. Her name is Penelope Joy Stade.
I guess it all started the day before. Like I had blogged about earlier we had to trade in one of my most loved cars for the safety of our little girl. That night I was having generalized back pain, which I thought was nothing. Just the general ache and pain you get from carrying around all the extra weight. On top of the car situation I was up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night. Thursday really started uneventful. I woke up went to a bible study and went out to lunch with some of Russell's family to celebrate his grandmother's birthday. I really wasn't hungry at lunch and was still having the back pain all day, but none of this was anything I haven't felt before in the life of this pregnancy. I wanted to run some errands after lunch, but decided instead to just go home and take a nap.
As soon as I got home and put both of my feet on the ground out of our really brand new Prius my water broke. I rushed into the house and up the stairs to the bathroom where I continued to leak. But the problem was it wasn't clear liquid it was yellow with brown specks. For those who don't know amniotic fluid is suppose to be clear and sometimes straw colored. When it is yellow, brown, or green it means that there is meconium in the amniotic fluid. Meconium is the first bowel movement of the baby. When the have it in utero it can be a sign of fetal distress, plus if they breath it in they can get pneumonia. I was home alone, it was about 1:50 pm and Russell was still at work. All of Russell's family was out and about after lunch and my family was at work too. Anyways I started making phone calls, Russell, Nicky (my sister-in-law), my mother, my sister, Russell's mother and when I got a hold of them I told them all that I was alone in my house and that my water had broke and I had a bad sign. Needless to say everyone came rushing over to get there at the same time and I had a house full of people.
We went to the hospital which verified that in fact it was meconium and they were going to start Pitocin to get the labor under way so that we can get the baby out soon. (I was still in early labor, with irregular contractions when I arrived at the hospital). The baby wasn't in any distress but if she did show signs they might have to do a c-section. I was already 5 cm dilated and 90% effaced when they checked me. So I started the pitocin ( a synthetic hormone that your body normally creates for labor). The problem with it is that your body doesn't regulate it and you end up having harder contractions then if your body was doing it on its own. I labored for a while. (I honestly lost all track of time. I know when my water broke and the time I had my baby. Thinking back to it I think we got to the hospital sometime around 3:30 but that is a pure guess.)
I got to 7 cm dilated and honestly felt like my body was being torn apart from the inside out. I couldn't handle it. They had also put in internal fetal monitoring because they weren't picking up accurate information on the external monitors, and they weren't seeing my contractions. I asked them to turn down the pitocin slightly. Sometimes once your body gets kick started with it, your body will do it on its own. I was going to try to labor without any pain medication but if at some point I felt like I needed it I was going to go through 3 contractions or 15 minutes to see if I could work through it. Even the nurse came in and tried to get me to do Lamaze breathing, which honestly made me feel like I was hyperventilating. But I did it to try to see if it would help. I finally said I wanted to get an epidural. They said my cervix was hard too, so I wasn't relaxing enough to be able to go through this stage of labor quick (or at least quick enough for me to deal with).
Once I got the epidural I was feeling GREAT! I honestly didn't feel druged. But like my mom put it I felt better then I had in the last 9 months. When we looked at the monitor for my contractions it looked like a letter M. They were coming so quickly and one on top of the other with no break the whole time. I dilated to a 9 1/2 within about 30 minutes. At that point they told me that they were going to wait until I felt the urge to push before they start. We waited about a hour and a half and I still didn't feel the urge to push but I was also pretty numb from the epidural. We started pushing before the doctor got there for, and then they called the doctor and waited 15 minutes and then continued pushing. All in all, with wait included, the pushing was for about 1 hour.
The doctor used mineral oil to help stretch my perineum. But they ended up needing to give me an episiotomy (a small cut in your perinemium) because her heart rate was dropping with the pushes. At one point they dropped to the 70's (they are normally 120-160, but a drop in heart rate can be normal in the pushing to an extent). They told me they would have me push for two more contractions and if she didn't come out they were going to do an episiotomy. After those contractions, and them cutting me she was out with the next contraction. She was born at 10:06 pm. Russell was able to cut the cord. Her apgar scores (scores the hospital checks at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth to see how they are breathing and their circulation) were 9,9 (the top score is 9). Needless to say she did well. She did swallow some meconium and needed to spend some time in the nursery to get some of the meconium out of her lungs. I did get her back in my room at 1:30 in the morning and we were able to breastfeed. I think we did pretty well, but we are still trying to work out some of the bumps with the whole system.
Now we have a blessed little girl. I came home from the hospital on Saturday, and I think we have adapted to the transition pretty well. Keep us in your prayers for all the little things that come with the new member of our family.
I guess it all started the day before. Like I had blogged about earlier we had to trade in one of my most loved cars for the safety of our little girl. That night I was having generalized back pain, which I thought was nothing. Just the general ache and pain you get from carrying around all the extra weight. On top of the car situation I was up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night. Thursday really started uneventful. I woke up went to a bible study and went out to lunch with some of Russell's family to celebrate his grandmother's birthday. I really wasn't hungry at lunch and was still having the back pain all day, but none of this was anything I haven't felt before in the life of this pregnancy. I wanted to run some errands after lunch, but decided instead to just go home and take a nap.
As soon as I got home and put both of my feet on the ground out of our really brand new Prius my water broke. I rushed into the house and up the stairs to the bathroom where I continued to leak. But the problem was it wasn't clear liquid it was yellow with brown specks. For those who don't know amniotic fluid is suppose to be clear and sometimes straw colored. When it is yellow, brown, or green it means that there is meconium in the amniotic fluid. Meconium is the first bowel movement of the baby. When the have it in utero it can be a sign of fetal distress, plus if they breath it in they can get pneumonia. I was home alone, it was about 1:50 pm and Russell was still at work. All of Russell's family was out and about after lunch and my family was at work too. Anyways I started making phone calls, Russell, Nicky (my sister-in-law), my mother, my sister, Russell's mother and when I got a hold of them I told them all that I was alone in my house and that my water had broke and I had a bad sign. Needless to say everyone came rushing over to get there at the same time and I had a house full of people.
We went to the hospital which verified that in fact it was meconium and they were going to start Pitocin to get the labor under way so that we can get the baby out soon. (I was still in early labor, with irregular contractions when I arrived at the hospital). The baby wasn't in any distress but if she did show signs they might have to do a c-section. I was already 5 cm dilated and 90% effaced when they checked me. So I started the pitocin ( a synthetic hormone that your body normally creates for labor). The problem with it is that your body doesn't regulate it and you end up having harder contractions then if your body was doing it on its own. I labored for a while. (I honestly lost all track of time. I know when my water broke and the time I had my baby. Thinking back to it I think we got to the hospital sometime around 3:30 but that is a pure guess.)
I got to 7 cm dilated and honestly felt like my body was being torn apart from the inside out. I couldn't handle it. They had also put in internal fetal monitoring because they weren't picking up accurate information on the external monitors, and they weren't seeing my contractions. I asked them to turn down the pitocin slightly. Sometimes once your body gets kick started with it, your body will do it on its own. I was going to try to labor without any pain medication but if at some point I felt like I needed it I was going to go through 3 contractions or 15 minutes to see if I could work through it. Even the nurse came in and tried to get me to do Lamaze breathing, which honestly made me feel like I was hyperventilating. But I did it to try to see if it would help. I finally said I wanted to get an epidural. They said my cervix was hard too, so I wasn't relaxing enough to be able to go through this stage of labor quick (or at least quick enough for me to deal with).
Once I got the epidural I was feeling GREAT! I honestly didn't feel druged. But like my mom put it I felt better then I had in the last 9 months. When we looked at the monitor for my contractions it looked like a letter M. They were coming so quickly and one on top of the other with no break the whole time. I dilated to a 9 1/2 within about 30 minutes. At that point they told me that they were going to wait until I felt the urge to push before they start. We waited about a hour and a half and I still didn't feel the urge to push but I was also pretty numb from the epidural. We started pushing before the doctor got there for, and then they called the doctor and waited 15 minutes and then continued pushing. All in all, with wait included, the pushing was for about 1 hour.
The doctor used mineral oil to help stretch my perineum. But they ended up needing to give me an episiotomy (a small cut in your perinemium) because her heart rate was dropping with the pushes. At one point they dropped to the 70's (they are normally 120-160, but a drop in heart rate can be normal in the pushing to an extent). They told me they would have me push for two more contractions and if she didn't come out they were going to do an episiotomy. After those contractions, and them cutting me she was out with the next contraction. She was born at 10:06 pm. Russell was able to cut the cord. Her apgar scores (scores the hospital checks at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth to see how they are breathing and their circulation) were 9,9 (the top score is 9). Needless to say she did well. She did swallow some meconium and needed to spend some time in the nursery to get some of the meconium out of her lungs. I did get her back in my room at 1:30 in the morning and we were able to breastfeed. I think we did pretty well, but we are still trying to work out some of the bumps with the whole system.
Now we have a blessed little girl. I came home from the hospital on Saturday, and I think we have adapted to the transition pretty well. Keep us in your prayers for all the little things that come with the new member of our family.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Pretty Prius
Because I somehow believe that having more pics on my blog makes it more interesting. I found a pic of the car I got. They call the color car: Silver Pine Mica--but it looks a little more green in person then in the pic. We are still working on a name for the new car. Possibly Heidi hybrid or Summer. Don't worry everyone I have always named my cars faster then I named my children (he he he).
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Farwell to Mini Club
Well I had to say farwell today. If anyone told me it was going to happen I probably wouldn't have believed them. A little bit of history for those who don't know. I owned a 2005 Mini Cooper S. I purchased it as a graduation present to myself for getting through nursing school. It was a great car, but it represented something greater. I had always tried to live life practical and this car stood for everything unpractical, it was just pure fun! I thought it was just practical enough to be able to get by.
But today I had a baby seat installation appointment at the local CHP office and when the baby seat was properly installed in the Mini Cooper it was a hazard to the child. Since it is two door, the front passanger seat had to be folded forward to install the seat. When the seat was properly installed, the passanger seat didn't have enough room to click back into place. And it wouldn't lock forward either. So it was there just to bouce back and forth depending if you hit the breaks or if you got into an accident. It would just fly into the baby seat and hit the baby if there were problems driving. Well we need both of our cars to be functional. So that means we had to get rid of the mini. :(
Russell and I left the CHP office and went looking for a car to get. I didn't really expect to get one today, but I knew we had to get one soon. The baby is coming anyday and it is only going to be harder when the baby is here to spend all day at a dealership. After a little bit of time we found a pretty nice car. (Completely practical, but cute.) We got a 2007 Toyota Prius. It's a soft green hybrid vehicle. It's really neat looking, gets great gas milage, is a four door with lots of room, and has lots of other cool functions.
So here I am saying, "so long" to my mini club and hello to a new me. I guess my new nitch. I am shaping to be a green San Pedrian mom driving a hybrid.
But today I had a baby seat installation appointment at the local CHP office and when the baby seat was properly installed in the Mini Cooper it was a hazard to the child. Since it is two door, the front passanger seat had to be folded forward to install the seat. When the seat was properly installed, the passanger seat didn't have enough room to click back into place. And it wouldn't lock forward either. So it was there just to bouce back and forth depending if you hit the breaks or if you got into an accident. It would just fly into the baby seat and hit the baby if there were problems driving. Well we need both of our cars to be functional. So that means we had to get rid of the mini. :(
Russell and I left the CHP office and went looking for a car to get. I didn't really expect to get one today, but I knew we had to get one soon. The baby is coming anyday and it is only going to be harder when the baby is here to spend all day at a dealership. After a little bit of time we found a pretty nice car. (Completely practical, but cute.) We got a 2007 Toyota Prius. It's a soft green hybrid vehicle. It's really neat looking, gets great gas milage, is a four door with lots of room, and has lots of other cool functions.
So here I am saying, "so long" to my mini club and hello to a new me. I guess my new nitch. I am shaping to be a green San Pedrian mom driving a hybrid.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Baby, no baby
Well no baby yet. Hopefully she will come soon, but at this point I might be pregnant forever. Below is a picture of what she looks like now.
However there is good news my girlfriend, Donna, just had her baby. I don't have too much info but I know she had a healthy little girl born on July 11th at 10:45 pm. Here is a picture of her at her Baby shower with her husband, RJ (Dennis).
However there is good news my girlfriend, Donna, just had her baby. I don't have too much info but I know she had a healthy little girl born on July 11th at 10:45 pm. Here is a picture of her at her Baby shower with her husband, RJ (Dennis).
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Baby Update
Well I thought I would give everyone a general baby update. I have been having my doctor appointments every week and this is the latest news as of Monday.
Right now I am 3 cm dialated, 80% effaced, and the baby is at -2. She is engaged and completely down in position. The doctor thinks I will give birth within 2 weeks but it is anyones guess. As of July 5th, this thursday, I am officially off bedrest and can have the baby any day safely. They are estimating her to be about 7 lbs right now. My official due date is July 26th, so technically she can come any time till 2 weeks after that date.
So lets take a vote. Just for fun sake. How soon do you think I am going to go into labor?
A. She is going to be a 4th of July baby or right around then
B. She is going to come the week of July 9th
C. She is going to come the week of July 16th
D. She is going to come July 22nd because that is when the mother (me) doesn't want her to come (It's our first wedding anniversary)
D. She is going to come the week she is due
E. She is going to be a week overdue
F. She is going to be two weeks overdue
Tell me which one you think and we can see who is right in the end.
Right now I am 3 cm dialated, 80% effaced, and the baby is at -2. She is engaged and completely down in position. The doctor thinks I will give birth within 2 weeks but it is anyones guess. As of July 5th, this thursday, I am officially off bedrest and can have the baby any day safely. They are estimating her to be about 7 lbs right now. My official due date is July 26th, so technically she can come any time till 2 weeks after that date.
So lets take a vote. Just for fun sake. How soon do you think I am going to go into labor?
A. She is going to be a 4th of July baby or right around then
B. She is going to come the week of July 9th
C. She is going to come the week of July 16th
D. She is going to come July 22nd because that is when the mother (me) doesn't want her to come (It's our first wedding anniversary)
D. She is going to come the week she is due
E. She is going to be a week overdue
F. She is going to be two weeks overdue
Tell me which one you think and we can see who is right in the end.
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