Wednesday, March 5, 2008

a little update about a lot

Well...I feel like I haven't posted in forever. So much has happened. A few major details. I officially quit UCLA. My last day is March 22nd. At the same time I was able to get my old job back at Torrance Memorial and I am already working there.

Penelope is growing and developing in leaps and bounds. She is sucessfully eating solids and we are just trying to start all the different type of foods. She has her first teeth. She got her bottom two at the same time. She just started crawling acouple of days ago, so she still is a little uncordinated. She also is able to pull herself up to a standing position. She hasn't realized she can do it on other items. But we have been trying to show her how by having her hold onto other stable items. I am trying to get pictures of her doing all the new things. I have most of them....I will post them soon.

In addition I got Easter photos of our little girl and will be posting those shortly.

Anyways pictures to come. I promise.

1 comment:

Cassi said...

a job closer HAS to be better!!!!