Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's official

It's official, I am post due. Typing that I chuckle to myself. Seriously! Oh well.....

With my pregnancy last time and ALL the extra contractions I've felt since 35 weeks I thought there was really no way that I could go PAST my due date. But never the less here I am. Currently I can't sleep, not because I'm in labor (I wish). But more I can't get comfortable. Maybe it's the naps I have been getting into a habit of taking. The night before I had Penelope I had a random sleepless night, but there were all sorts of different situations surrounding it. So I personally don't think I'm going into labor just because I can't sleep.

The only "good news" that I can hold onto right now is that I'm already 3 cm dilated. So all those extra contractions I have been feeling are adding up to nothing. My Doctor told me at the last appointment that I would probably go into labor within the week. But to make an appointment for next week because otherwise it is bad luck. I made the appointment and if I actually make it to the 41 weeks appointment I'm going to be upset to say the least. I'm really trying not to go down the path of "I'm going to be pregnant forever". Don't get me wrong those thoughts do come up but I try not to linger.

In the mean time I can't decide whether I want to try natural induction, such as walking, raspberry tea, or castor oil, or take this opportunity to go on one more date night or the pampering that I have really wanted to the meantime time still ticks by.

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