We recently took a trip to Disneyland. This was not our first time going. We use to have annual passes so we have been there many times. However we had not gone for about a year and a half. (That doesn't sound very long does it? LOL.) Anyways this was our first time staying at one of the park hotels. And let me say it was WONDERFUL! Besides being able to get into the park an hour early it was so nice to not carry anything around because we could just run back for something. We could go back to the hotel for breakfast, snacks, and lunches. We could go back when we wanted a nap. It was fabulous.
One thing I learned during this trip is they play music in the park all day and night long. Don't try to sleep with your window open when you have a park view. The first time I noticed it was 3:30 am, I lay there thinking is there a party going on? Oh no, it's the theme park. Also, their pools are AWESOME! The hotel we stayed at had 3 large pools, 1 kid pool, and a hot tub. Plus a large water slide. And I didn't find this out till the end, but you can go to any of the pools at any of the hotels, just ask the front desk for an extra pool key. They all have pretty awesome pools.
We had a great time. But it was not a relaxing, lets catch up on sleep, get rid of these wrinkles type of vacation. In fact it probably did the opposite. We were up early so we could utilize getting into the park early and we were up as late as we could possibly move our legs and keep our eyes open or until the park closed on us. (Most of the time we crashed before the park closed. But we always came close.) Anyways I needed a vacation from my vacation. But of course we never get one. It has taken me almost 2 weeks to adjust because the following weekend when we got back was Easter.
Easter was really nice. We have a family tradition of going to Good Friday Service. Which I love. We use to go to a Sunrise Service Easter morning. But our church doesn't do one and we had commitments that morning. Plus that would have been a lot for the kids. One of these days we will get back into it. I look forward to being able to go to one with the kids being old enough to take care of themselves in it. We only went to one Sunrise Service before they were born, but I was pregnant with Penelope.
Our church hosted an Easter egg hunt on Saturday which was really fun. With a BBQ, jumpers, face painting, and lots of other fun things. Mostly when we have done Easter egg hunts it has been through a church function. The eggs are always scattered across the lawn and the kids have a great time. This year we had Easter at my parents house and my mom did an Easter Egg hunt after Easter lunch/ dinner. My parents live in a mountainous area and on 26 acres. We kept the hunting around the house but it was a lot of fun hiding the eggs. And it was fun watching the kids find them. They came out of the house when we told them it was time. And looked around with a look of confusion. Like, "where are all the eggs?". I think they kind of expected them to be laid out in front of them. But it didn't take them long to get the hint. And off they were. Austyn every time he would find an egg, he would shout out "Ohhhhhhhh!" then "So Coooooooool!". It was hilarious. That is something I am going to miss about this age. I wish I had gotten a video of it. But I was too busy enjoying the moment. : )