Friday, September 26, 2008

Getting away

One thing I love is getting away. Getting away even for a weekend. Just up and leaving town and going to somewhere else. Somewhere different. It's just the best thing ever.

Russell and I are leaving for Santa Margarita KOA to go camping with Jason and Nicky and their family. It's the first time we have ever taken Penelope camping, so wish us luck. But I am so looking forward to it. If you ask either Russell or I what our favorite trip together was beside our honeymoon. It was a trip up to Morro Bay in the county of San Louis Obispo. Which is right in the area we will be going to. Hopefully we can check out Hurst Castle, our favorite winery, and so much more.

And to celebrate getting away I changed the music playlist to suite. Hope you all enjoy!

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