Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm sooo, just, ready!

This is probably really bad of me, but I am sooo ready to be gone tomorrow. People who don't know, I'm going on a women's retreat with my church for the weekend, starting tomorrow. It's my first time that I have been really away from the baby since she has been born. And I'm totally acting bipolar about it. One second I can't wait to have the freedom, the release of having someone constantly dependent on you. If I hear quiet in the background I don't have to have a sunken feeling that something wrong happened. On the other hand I'm going to really miss Penelope. I know me. And I'm totally a sappy mom. By saturday morning I'll be crying on the phone as I hear her voice. (I'm still totally staying till Sunday, hey, with how I feel right now, I'm ready to leave now and not come back for a while!) I guess it's just the pressure of it all that gets to you after a while. The pressure of being a working mother, trying desperately to make sure you are stimulating your daughter enough, but also keeping her occupied so that you can get stuff done. And then the occasional quick nap because she is going to wake up from hers soon and it's your only chance. Russell sensing my attitude when he got home sent me upstairs to pack. But really right now I'm just decompressing on my blog. **Sigh**

Thank God for our women's director who must have truely heard from God. Because nothing sounds better than to just abide in Jesus. Nothing.


Cassi said...

sure praying that you have a blessed time away... wish I could have gone with.... :-(

rubber_thoughts said...

Have fun!