I have been updating a couple of things on my blog. Well maybe a lot of things. I updated the book corner with the actual books I am reading. I changed the music, I changed the background, added on a couple of extras. But the biggest thing is the header. That thing is going to be the end of me. I have probably changed it 20 times in the last 2 days. Geeze, I could have gotten all sorts of other stuff done in that amount of time. Oh well, I like it well enough now so I'm going to leave it.
Something I found out about myself in the process: I wouldn't be a good digital scrapbooker. There are just too many possibilities or I like to believe there are possibilities that don't really exist (digitally). With paper, I just accept what I have. It is so much easier.
(If you are reading this as a note and would like to see what all the hub bub is all about that I am causing see my blog at www.jennnys.blogspot.com )
I usually read your blog through Google Reader but your new format does look really cute! Nice job!
Good job on the header - I totally know what you mean because I spent so much time on mine too - time I could have spent doing other important things :) Oh well, what's done is done and yours looks great!
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