Saturday, January 30, 2010

ahh,....they grow up so fast

Our little boy is growing so big and strong. We defiantly make tall kids. At his 2 month check-up he was 12 lbs 7 oz (about 60-70%), his height 25 1/2 inches was off the charts. Yep we make tall kids. Still praying for a tall husband for Nelly. Thankful to Russell he started getting some hair at the top of his head. Below is a picture compared to here. He had some hair around his head but not on top when he was born. Now that his hair has come in it stands straight up and looks like a flat top. So cute! It's hard to get in the picture.

He is getting really strong with sitting for his belly time. Sometimes he lifts himself up a little. Here are pictures with him on a boppy because he looks more comfortable then him on his tummy on the floor. Yes he is tilting his head to the side because he wants to watch sports with Daddy and Mama and her camera is getting in his way.

We signed Nelly up for dance classes (Tap and Tumble). She absolutely loves them! She's attending the dance factory which is local for me. Below are some pictures of her at her class.

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