Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Right when the family was departing, VBS started at our church. We had a great time. This was mine and Penelope's second year, and Austyn's first. Penelope really got into it this year. We even got her the t-shirt and the worship CD which she likes to sing in the car. I helped out as the nurse. This is the second year that they have had a nurse and boy was there a change. This year there was a lot more "activity" for the on duty nurse. Next year I am defiantly going to have to organize and make a real "first-aid kit".

The theme this year was about Joseph from the book of Genesis. Most of the crew dresses up in full outfits. Each year I jokingly pick out which outfit I would want to wear and which one I wouldn't so much. LOL. But I am perfectly fine in my VBS t-shirt.

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