Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I know I am done with the month blogging. But I had to post this: it is too cute! Penelope has show and tell at Preschool tomorrow. So tonight we started talking to her about it. And having her pick something and practice. This is what she did. It's hilarious!

Today was one of those days. The days that are a polar opposite of the days that I feel like I am walking right in step with the LORD like on day 24. It started with bible study this morning. We are doing Esther by Beth Moore. Today she talked about where Mordecai comes to Esther about coming before the King to plead for her people and the grip of fear that could overtake you. The thought of what we fear most in our life made me think of our recent life changes. I start worrying about Russ' school, not having a family up here, where the kids are going to go if Russ needs to be in class and I need to be in work, what happens in summer break, what happens when.... The idea that we aren't where God wants us to be crosses my mind, but that isn't the biggest deal. I know that if we weren't where God wants us to be He would tell us. And as Russ pointed out we had so many confirmations before we moved here. It's the details of the problems that I haven't even happened yet that I'm worried about. I know God will handle it. And I know that is what the study is all about, but it still consumed me today.

Overall, it was a nice day. I was off work and was able to take them to Bible study and to a park with a friend. I cooked dinner. The kids both ate fish, not the frozen fish stick kind, real fish! And I went for a run after bedtime. A good day, just keep me and my thought process in prayer. When listening to some of Penelope's kid worship in the car a song came on that quotes Jeremiah 29:11. I'm going to have it be my memory verse for the Siesta Scripture Memory verse, not necessarily because I need to memorize it but because I need to quote it to myself for the next 2 weeks.


Kelly said...

At least you'll be prepared if the school starts asking you about your views on polygamy! ;)

Lindsey said...

Wish I could be at show and tell. It must be hilarious all those kids sharing. See ya soon.

Jessica P said...

That video is just adorable. Save that for her future boyfriends. :-)