Tuesday, March 17, 2009

stuff to ponder on....

Pastor Chris (our senior pastor) of our church is taking a trip to Isreal and started a blog about his journey. It has really been so interesting to read. I encourage you to go over and read his insights. It makes me hunger so much to see this land one day with my own eyes. But until then, I am here still waiting on my promise land.

I've been doing okay. Been realitively tired all the time and think I have a minor case of insomnia. So when I'm tired in the middle of the day I don't know if I should try to take a nap or not. Most of time when I try I just lay there wide awake anyways. The insomnia isn't anything serious and I'm sure it will go away in due time. If you want to know more about why, give me a call. I just don't want to post it on here, until everyone knows. Or I've tried as hard as I can to let everyone know.

And Happy Saint Patrick's Day. I'm not crazy about the common way of celebration, but I am Irish so I am celebrating it for dinner with Corned Beef and Cabage. I just hope it turns out like my moms. Yum, I love that stuff. Here's some interesting information I never knew about the good old Saint Patrick.

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