Monday, December 29, 2008
She's still asleep!
Penelope is still asleep! And it's almost 9:30. When Russell and I went to my Grandparents for Christmas Penelope didn't sleep very good, so I guess she is just catching up. Which is great for me because I have gotten quite a bit done this morning. Normally when Russell and I both have time off we take turns sleeping in or taking naps. If we get a stretch longer then a weekend we are usually able to really get some good zzz's. So I woke up around 7 am wide awake laying in bed, which usually does happen. Normally I wake up around 7 am to a crying baby ready to start her day. So far I've straightened up the bedroom, folded and put away laundry, dusted both the bedroom celling fan and the downstairs celling fan, washed the dinning room walls, started more laundry, canceled my weight watchers plan (don't ask how long I've been paying for it and not using it). I still have to do the laundry from our trip and straighten up the living room and vacuum the house, and it's scrub the kitchen day. Oh....looks like someone is finally moving around for breakfast. Got to go.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Frankly speaking Nelly
To keep record I want to write down all the new words that Penelope is saying. Jen Graham was right when she said her crankiness the other day might be due to a milestone. If you catch Penelope at a good time she will repeat whatever you say.
Here's a list of words she says well:
1. hi
2. bye
3. No (Right now this is cute, she says no to everything. "Do you love mommy?"--"no"... "Do you want a cookie?"--"no"... I know it's only cute now that she really doesn't understand it.
4. mommy or mama
5. daddy or dada
6. mouth
7. nose
8. ear
9. eye
10. Nena (who is Granna)
11. Nana (who is Aunt Nicky)
12. go
13. up
14. apple
15. mine (don't ask me how she learned this) :)
16. baba (which is bottle)
17. keesh (which is suppose to be keekee meaning yucky or dirty)
(I think that is it, but if I remember anything else I will add it to it)
She has said this a couple of times but not fluently
1. banana (this was actually her first word, beside mama and dada but she hasn't said it for a while)
2. Nelly (which is her nickname- it really surprised me when she said this and when we asked her who that was she pointed to herself. It was so cute. I'm going to try to call her by her nickname more often.
3. I know (she has repeated us saying this when we are in conversation. And I know that she already says "eye" and "no". So I guess "I know" doesn't really count. But I think it's cute!
I just looked up online and it said that there is usually a vocabulary explosion at 18 months and she is doing that. They are also suppose to have about 10 to 20 word vocabulary so she is right where she is suppose to be. My smart little girl!
Here's a list of words she says well:
1. hi
2. bye
3. No (Right now this is cute, she says no to everything. "Do you love mommy?"--"no"... "Do you want a cookie?"--"no"... I know it's only cute now that she really doesn't understand it.
4. mommy or mama
5. daddy or dada
6. mouth
7. nose
8. ear
9. eye
10. Nena (who is Granna)
11. Nana (who is Aunt Nicky)
12. go
13. up
14. apple
15. mine (don't ask me how she learned this) :)
16. baba (which is bottle)
17. keesh (which is suppose to be keekee meaning yucky or dirty)
(I think that is it, but if I remember anything else I will add it to it)
She has said this a couple of times but not fluently
1. banana (this was actually her first word, beside mama and dada but she hasn't said it for a while)
2. Nelly (which is her nickname- it really surprised me when she said this and when we asked her who that was she pointed to herself. It was so cute. I'm going to try to call her by her nickname more often.
3. I know (she has repeated us saying this when we are in conversation. And I know that she already says "eye" and "no". So I guess "I know" doesn't really count. But I think it's cute!
I just looked up online and it said that there is usually a vocabulary explosion at 18 months and she is doing that. They are also suppose to have about 10 to 20 word vocabulary so she is right where she is suppose to be. My smart little girl!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Family, Food, and Good times
Merry Christmas! Russell and I are having a great time up here. For the most part we have been doing a lot of nothing, which for me is great! We had a great drive down it only took us a little over 4 1/2 hours to make the drive. Not including the about an hour break we took to eat breakfast and let the baby run around a random Starbucks in Barstow. We met my sister and her husband out here. And my Uncle Gary happened to be in town yesterday so he stopped by. He was in town because both of his kids (my cousins) J.R. and Suzy are in a tournament for bowling for a University in Illinois. We will probably be going the day after Christmas to see him play.
But this morning we woke up and had a wonderful breakfast with scrambled eggs with chili peppers, bacon, muffins, English muffins, hash browns, and orange juice. Yummy! We opened presents and then started on Christmas dinner. My grandmother had her sister (my Great Aunt Edith) and her husband (Great Uncle Hugh), one of their sons (Doug) and daughters (Debbie) and their daughters son (Jamie). I see my Great Aunt and Uncle often because they live by my grandmother and we get to see them from time to time. The others I guess I haven't seen since I was in elementary school, or so they told me, because I don't remember. Jaime (my 2nd cousin) actually shook my hand and said "It was nice meeting you" when he left. Huh, I guess not a strong family bond between us. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner. We had turkey (that my sister made), ham, mashed potatoes (that my sister made), stuffing (that I made), salad, bread, green bean casserole (that I made thanks to Linny), stuffed cabbage, cranberry sauce, and candied yams. I'm sooo looking forward to left overs! All the extended family didn't stay too long. I guess I'm use the Stade family clan hanging out until your ready to go to bed. We just had our dessert which included apple pie, pumpkin pie, and cheesecake. You would think my grandmother is feeding an army. But there is something about being over here that just makes my stomach expand and I eat sooo much.
Russell and I were sitting around with the baby. I am already wearing a pajama shirt that says "DREAM" on it with rhinestones. Penelope likes pointing to the letters and I tell her "M", "R" , "D". Sometimes she says it back. Well we were all sitting around and she started pointing at "M". So I proceeded to say "m". She got so passionate about it! It was hilarious. She started saying, "mmmmmm...Ma". And as she is saying "mmm" her pitch is getting higher and higher. Each time she starts over she gets more passionate about it. Until she is sitting with her hands in fists, with a serious face, straight lipped, slightly shaking her head, as loud as she can. It sent Russell and I in hilarious laughing. We laughed so hard, we scared her. Poor thing. But you should have been there it was sooo funny. I so wish I had my camera and we could have recorded it. But I forgot my camera at home and so we went to the grocery store and bought a disposable camera yesterday. Hopefully she'll do it again when we get back.
Well...I hope everyone is having a great Christmas. We are missing everyone from our home town. I hope you all had a great time today.
But this morning we woke up and had a wonderful breakfast with scrambled eggs with chili peppers, bacon, muffins, English muffins, hash browns, and orange juice. Yummy! We opened presents and then started on Christmas dinner. My grandmother had her sister (my Great Aunt Edith) and her husband (Great Uncle Hugh), one of their sons (Doug) and daughters (Debbie) and their daughters son (Jamie). I see my Great Aunt and Uncle often because they live by my grandmother and we get to see them from time to time. The others I guess I haven't seen since I was in elementary school, or so they told me, because I don't remember. Jaime (my 2nd cousin) actually shook my hand and said "It was nice meeting you" when he left. Huh, I guess not a strong family bond between us. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner. We had turkey (that my sister made), ham, mashed potatoes (that my sister made), stuffing (that I made), salad, bread, green bean casserole (that I made thanks to Linny), stuffed cabbage, cranberry sauce, and candied yams. I'm sooo looking forward to left overs! All the extended family didn't stay too long. I guess I'm use the Stade family clan hanging out until your ready to go to bed. We just had our dessert which included apple pie, pumpkin pie, and cheesecake. You would think my grandmother is feeding an army. But there is something about being over here that just makes my stomach expand and I eat sooo much.
Russell and I were sitting around with the baby. I am already wearing a pajama shirt that says "DREAM" on it with rhinestones. Penelope likes pointing to the letters and I tell her "M", "R" , "D". Sometimes she says it back. Well we were all sitting around and she started pointing at "M". So I proceeded to say "m". She got so passionate about it! It was hilarious. She started saying, "mmmmmm...Ma". And as she is saying "mmm" her pitch is getting higher and higher. Each time she starts over she gets more passionate about it. Until she is sitting with her hands in fists, with a serious face, straight lipped, slightly shaking her head, as loud as she can. It sent Russell and I in hilarious laughing. We laughed so hard, we scared her. Poor thing. But you should have been there it was sooo funny. I so wish I had my camera and we could have recorded it. But I forgot my camera at home and so we went to the grocery store and bought a disposable camera yesterday. Hopefully she'll do it again when we get back.
Well...I hope everyone is having a great Christmas. We are missing everyone from our home town. I hope you all had a great time today.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Although it's been said many times, many ways, "Merry Christmas to you"
I just want to wish Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope everyone has a memorable Christmas this year. I pray that your Christmas is filled with family, togetherness, joyfulness, blessedness, and remembrance of what this season is all about.
Russell and I will be leaving first thing in the morning to Nevada to visit my Grandparents for Christmas. It will be great visiting with them all again. My sister and her husband went out there today. Pray for a memorable Christmas time, safe journey, and a well behaved child.
I'll sum up my day today by this little story. I was at my wits end with Penelope. She has been unexplainable fussy all day long. By the time I made it home from finally getting out the door to do my last minute errands Russell was incharge of Penelope until she went to bed. Seeing how I got home at 6 pm and she is now going to bed at 7:30, it isn't too bad. After ten minutes of me being upstairs packing for the baby while he feed her dinner down stairs, Russell proceeded to tell me, "She is being incredibly annoying right now.".....Your telling me.
So pray for a well tempered baby tomorrow during a trek out of town.
Russell and I will be leaving first thing in the morning to Nevada to visit my Grandparents for Christmas. It will be great visiting with them all again. My sister and her husband went out there today. Pray for a memorable Christmas time, safe journey, and a well behaved child.
I'll sum up my day today by this little story. I was at my wits end with Penelope. She has been unexplainable fussy all day long. By the time I made it home from finally getting out the door to do my last minute errands Russell was incharge of Penelope until she went to bed. Seeing how I got home at 6 pm and she is now going to bed at 7:30, it isn't too bad. After ten minutes of me being upstairs packing for the baby while he feed her dinner down stairs, Russell proceeded to tell me, "She is being incredibly annoying right now.".....Your telling me.
So pray for a well tempered baby tomorrow during a trek out of town.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Random Christmas facts
I feel so far behind on my blog stuff. So sorry I haven't posted anything recently.
Here is some random info about me and Christmas. I guess "I've been tagged" is the saying....
1. Egg nog or hot chocolate? Egg nog....because you can't get it any other time of the year. Plus it is really yummy. I like drinking it with a little Cinnamon on top. Or I make a wonderful egg nog cookie.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Well when I grew up Santa wrapped presents and set them under the tree. My mother had some presents that wrote very nicely were from "Mom and Dad". And most of them she wrote from "Santa". With Penelope I think I'm not going to write any presents are from Santa. I'm going to try to walk to fine line, if that is do able. I want to tell her about Santa, because I like the idea of fairy tales. Just like as a little girl I'll probably tell her that stories about Cinderella can really come true just like they do in Disney. But I don't want Santa to be the reason for the Season. So I will mention it but I want Jesus to be emphasized profoundly. Wish me good luck in figuring that out.
3. Colored lights or white? White and then add colored lights. He he he
4. Do you hang a mistletoe? I actually have a fake mistletoe ornament. I meant to hang it up but I think it accidentally got put back away when I was done decorating this year. Don't tell Russell, he would be disappointed.
5. When do you get out your decorations? In the perfect world I would put them up the day after Thanksgiving. But now being a working mother that's not do able. Oh long as they go up for a while before Christmas is over.
6. Favorite holiday dish, excluding dessert? I would have to say potatoes. I love potatoes any way that you make them.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? One Christmas I got up in my parents house before everyone else. And it was a pretty sad Christmas that year financially. And I decided to go to the grocery store and buy some egg nog for everyone. I was so happy running to the store before everyone else woke up and surprising everyone with egg nog.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I don't remember how and I really don't remember when either. I remember a time when I was in 4th grade and a couple of my classmates were talking about it. And there was a person there who really believed there was still a Santa. And there were some kids that thought there was and there were some kids that thought there wasn't. And I knew there wasn't, but I acted like three was, because it was just nicer to live in fantasy.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Sometimes....depending on what activities are happening.
10. How do you decorate your trees? This year I decorated with white and blue ornaments...kinda like a Christmas frost :)
11. Snow, love it or hate it? I love it...but I only get it if I travel far and try to chase it. I live in So Cal. The closest man made snow is still about 1 hour ?? away with no traffic.
12. Can you ice skate? Yep but I don't go anymore. Russell really hurt himself on skates. And so it probably wont happen until I take Penelope. Who can blame him, he has 6 screws in his ankle because of that accident.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? One year we talked my mom into setting out some Christmas gifts under the tree early (before Christmas morning) and open a gift on Christmas eve. So she set out 3 boxes and told us that they were all the same thing. The first box was really small and light as a feather. The second box was 10'' x 16'' and you could barely lift it off the table it was so heavy. And the third box, which was mine, was a big box but pretty thin and it would rattle if you moved it. They sat there for a week under the tree and my mom said if anyone could guess what was in each box, and they were all the same thing we could open them early. So we guessed and my poor mother, I was a really sensitive child, and I came to her crying one night explaining how frustrated I was and told her that I couldn't handle it if it was a trick. We ended up opening them on Christmas eve. The small light box, which was my brothers, it was an empty small box with a one hundred dollar bill tapped on it. On the heavy box, which was my sisters, was a cinder block with a one hundred dollar bill tapped on it. And mine was a box with a bunch of stones in it, with a one hundred dollar bill tapped on it. I think I like that present more because of the memory it has in my mind. But if anyone is wondering I went out and bought a keyboard at Circuit City.
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays for you? Family!
15. Favorite Holiday dessert? It's a toss between egg nog cookies and peppermint bark
16. Favorite Christmas Tradition? I love filling up the Christmas stockings. It's something that I do every year. It's as much a necessity as any other holiday. We have to have stocking on Christmas morning filled with little inexpensive gifts.
17. What tops your tree? This year I have a glowing star at the top of my tree. And each year it is either some kind of glowing star or a angel. I like the idea of the star better this year.
18. What's better giving or receiving? Giving, I go Christmas shopping nuts during the holidays. But I do have to admit I did a lot of Christmas shopping online. It is so much easier with a toddler who desperately needs her naps in her own crib.
19. Favorite Christmas song? The song that's my favorite is actually titled "Christmas song". And it goes something like this...
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack frost nipping at your nose
Yuletide carols being song by a choir
and folks dress up like Eskimos
Every body needs some turkey and some mistletoe
Helps to make the seasons bright
tiny tots with their eyes all a glow
will find it hard to sleep tonight
They know that Santa's on his way
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
and every mother's child is going to spy
to see if reindeer really know how to fly
And so I'm offering this simple phrase
from kids from one to ninety-two
although it's been said many times, many ways
merry Christmas to you.
I love it! Especially the ninety-two party! Is it sad that I did it all from memory?
20. Candy canes, yummy or yucky? Yummy! Especially in peppermint bark
21. What do you want for Christmas? There are little things that I would like for Christmas. But not to sound corny, but I would really like just a memorable Christmas time with friends and family. Really get to understand the season not the mayhem.
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party? I actually use to throw an annual Christmas party. And each year there are still a couple of people who ask me if I'm going to have it again this year. And I said no at least for this year. Maybe next year. But this year we were invited to 5 Christmas parties! So we were pretty booked.
23. Do you dress up for Christmas eve? No...maybe Christmas day, depending on where we are going. But this year I'm going out to Grandma's so I think it is going to be pretty laid back.
24. Do you own a Santa Hat? Yep and it hangs on my wall next to the stockings. I've had that hat since I was 16 years old at least. I use to go Christmas shopping, wearing that hat, driving around town in my car, blaring Christmas music and sings along with it on the top of my lungs. LOL
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with? Russell and I are making a tradition of going to my grandmother's for Christmas. She use to do these huge Christmas' when she lived in California. But since she moved to Nevada she is kinda left alone, which is really sad. So Russell and I promised we would be there and at least she wouldn't be alone.
Has anyone not gotten tagged yet? I don't really if you see this and you want to give it a try...then I tag you.
Here is some random info about me and Christmas. I guess "I've been tagged" is the saying....
1. Egg nog or hot chocolate? Egg nog....because you can't get it any other time of the year. Plus it is really yummy. I like drinking it with a little Cinnamon on top. Or I make a wonderful egg nog cookie.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Well when I grew up Santa wrapped presents and set them under the tree. My mother had some presents that wrote very nicely were from "Mom and Dad". And most of them she wrote from "Santa". With Penelope I think I'm not going to write any presents are from Santa. I'm going to try to walk to fine line, if that is do able. I want to tell her about Santa, because I like the idea of fairy tales. Just like as a little girl I'll probably tell her that stories about Cinderella can really come true just like they do in Disney. But I don't want Santa to be the reason for the Season. So I will mention it but I want Jesus to be emphasized profoundly. Wish me good luck in figuring that out.
3. Colored lights or white? White and then add colored lights. He he he
4. Do you hang a mistletoe? I actually have a fake mistletoe ornament. I meant to hang it up but I think it accidentally got put back away when I was done decorating this year. Don't tell Russell, he would be disappointed.
5. When do you get out your decorations? In the perfect world I would put them up the day after Thanksgiving. But now being a working mother that's not do able. Oh long as they go up for a while before Christmas is over.
6. Favorite holiday dish, excluding dessert? I would have to say potatoes. I love potatoes any way that you make them.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? One Christmas I got up in my parents house before everyone else. And it was a pretty sad Christmas that year financially. And I decided to go to the grocery store and buy some egg nog for everyone. I was so happy running to the store before everyone else woke up and surprising everyone with egg nog.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I don't remember how and I really don't remember when either. I remember a time when I was in 4th grade and a couple of my classmates were talking about it. And there was a person there who really believed there was still a Santa. And there were some kids that thought there was and there were some kids that thought there wasn't. And I knew there wasn't, but I acted like three was, because it was just nicer to live in fantasy.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Sometimes....depending on what activities are happening.
10. How do you decorate your trees? This year I decorated with white and blue ornaments...kinda like a Christmas frost :)
11. Snow, love it or hate it? I love it...but I only get it if I travel far and try to chase it. I live in So Cal. The closest man made snow is still about 1 hour ?? away with no traffic.
12. Can you ice skate? Yep but I don't go anymore. Russell really hurt himself on skates. And so it probably wont happen until I take Penelope. Who can blame him, he has 6 screws in his ankle because of that accident.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? One year we talked my mom into setting out some Christmas gifts under the tree early (before Christmas morning) and open a gift on Christmas eve. So she set out 3 boxes and told us that they were all the same thing. The first box was really small and light as a feather. The second box was 10'' x 16'' and you could barely lift it off the table it was so heavy. And the third box, which was mine, was a big box but pretty thin and it would rattle if you moved it. They sat there for a week under the tree and my mom said if anyone could guess what was in each box, and they were all the same thing we could open them early. So we guessed and my poor mother, I was a really sensitive child, and I came to her crying one night explaining how frustrated I was and told her that I couldn't handle it if it was a trick. We ended up opening them on Christmas eve. The small light box, which was my brothers, it was an empty small box with a one hundred dollar bill tapped on it. On the heavy box, which was my sisters, was a cinder block with a one hundred dollar bill tapped on it. And mine was a box with a bunch of stones in it, with a one hundred dollar bill tapped on it. I think I like that present more because of the memory it has in my mind. But if anyone is wondering I went out and bought a keyboard at Circuit City.
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays for you? Family!
15. Favorite Holiday dessert? It's a toss between egg nog cookies and peppermint bark
16. Favorite Christmas Tradition? I love filling up the Christmas stockings. It's something that I do every year. It's as much a necessity as any other holiday. We have to have stocking on Christmas morning filled with little inexpensive gifts.
17. What tops your tree? This year I have a glowing star at the top of my tree. And each year it is either some kind of glowing star or a angel. I like the idea of the star better this year.
18. What's better giving or receiving? Giving, I go Christmas shopping nuts during the holidays. But I do have to admit I did a lot of Christmas shopping online. It is so much easier with a toddler who desperately needs her naps in her own crib.
19. Favorite Christmas song? The song that's my favorite is actually titled "Christmas song". And it goes something like this...
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack frost nipping at your nose
Yuletide carols being song by a choir
and folks dress up like Eskimos
Every body needs some turkey and some mistletoe
Helps to make the seasons bright
tiny tots with their eyes all a glow
will find it hard to sleep tonight
They know that Santa's on his way
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
and every mother's child is going to spy
to see if reindeer really know how to fly
And so I'm offering this simple phrase
from kids from one to ninety-two
although it's been said many times, many ways
merry Christmas to you.
I love it! Especially the ninety-two party! Is it sad that I did it all from memory?
20. Candy canes, yummy or yucky? Yummy! Especially in peppermint bark
21. What do you want for Christmas? There are little things that I would like for Christmas. But not to sound corny, but I would really like just a memorable Christmas time with friends and family. Really get to understand the season not the mayhem.
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party? I actually use to throw an annual Christmas party. And each year there are still a couple of people who ask me if I'm going to have it again this year. And I said no at least for this year. Maybe next year. But this year we were invited to 5 Christmas parties! So we were pretty booked.
23. Do you dress up for Christmas eve? No...maybe Christmas day, depending on where we are going. But this year I'm going out to Grandma's so I think it is going to be pretty laid back.
24. Do you own a Santa Hat? Yep and it hangs on my wall next to the stockings. I've had that hat since I was 16 years old at least. I use to go Christmas shopping, wearing that hat, driving around town in my car, blaring Christmas music and sings along with it on the top of my lungs. LOL
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with? Russell and I are making a tradition of going to my grandmother's for Christmas. She use to do these huge Christmas' when she lived in California. But since she moved to Nevada she is kinda left alone, which is really sad. So Russell and I promised we would be there and at least she wouldn't be alone.
Has anyone not gotten tagged yet? I don't really if you see this and you want to give it a try...then I tag you.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
foggy head
I have a headache and it's leaving me kinda bla and foggy headed. I don't like taking medicine for a headache I usually like to figure out what is causing it. Maybe I'm hungry. I just tried eating, with a less then fullfilling lunch, and that didn't help. Maybe I need sleep. Have I been drinking too much coffee lately? Am I going through coffee withdraws? I've been working on my christmas decorations since monday. And I really want to get it done so I can get 10 other things done off my list. Maybe it's that? Oh well.....maybe I should just take tylenol this time....
I'm totally decorating my house this year. At least I felt up to the challenge on Monday. Right now I still have to hang garland over the windows in the bedrooms. Get out the nativity scene and the little village. Get out some of the big figurines from underneath my mother-in-laws house. And geeze after all that is done. I seriously have to vaccuum my house. Then figure out what is for dinner. Here are glimpse of what I have so far...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
In spirit of the season I'm going to say what I'm thankful for:
I'm thankful first of all for my health. I am thankful for my little daughter and my loving husband. I'm thankful that I have been able to serve my Lord Jesus (Matthew 22:14). I am thankful that I have a God fearing husband. I am thankful that I can train up my daughter knowing Jesus Christ. I am thankful that I live in a place where I am not persecuted for my faith, that I can walk around with a bible and talk about His love openly (John 3:16). I am thankful that I have a home that hasn't been burned down. And that even though I love the rain, I am increasing thankful as it pours outside, that I don't have to worry about flooding or landsides. I am thankful for my husband's and my job that can provide for our family. And that right now we have secured income in this recession. I am thankful for all of my family, that we are able to spend time with this holiday. I am thankful that they all live close so that my daughter can grow up knowing her heirtage.
This gave a little extra perspective.
I'm thankful first of all for my health. I am thankful for my little daughter and my loving husband. I'm thankful that I have been able to serve my Lord Jesus (Matthew 22:14). I am thankful that I have a God fearing husband. I am thankful that I can train up my daughter knowing Jesus Christ. I am thankful that I live in a place where I am not persecuted for my faith, that I can walk around with a bible and talk about His love openly (John 3:16). I am thankful that I have a home that hasn't been burned down. And that even though I love the rain, I am increasing thankful as it pours outside, that I don't have to worry about flooding or landsides. I am thankful for my husband's and my job that can provide for our family. And that right now we have secured income in this recession. I am thankful for all of my family, that we are able to spend time with this holiday. I am thankful that they all live close so that my daughter can grow up knowing her heirtage.
This gave a little extra perspective.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
urban camping
This weekend we went to Chula Vista KOA to go urban camping. That's right, instead of tenting it we had constructed cabins with electricity. And instead of sleeping bags and the ground we had beds with wooden posts. And instead of completely cooking on propane grill and stove we had a community kitchenette. Ya it was really roughing it! Oh did I forget to mention to porch swing. he he he.

I didn't get a lot of pictures. But here are some of the most famous person in our immediate family. That's right, you guessed it: Penelope!
All joking aside it was a really fun time! We went with Dave and Lindsay (Russ' parents) and Nicky and Jason (Russ' brother and sis-in-law) and his family.
All joking aside it was a really fun time! We went with Dave and Lindsay (Russ' parents) and Nicky and Jason (Russ' brother and sis-in-law) and his family.
Also I met up with an old high school buddy, Jessica, on sunday. It was really fun cetching up on the last 10 years and talking about whatever. Hopefully I can talk her into coming out here, and maybe going to disneyland!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Little update with pics
Here are some pictures of Halloween (a little late) but at least they are here!



We also participated in a Trunk or Treat by decorating the trunk of one of our cars and passing out candy. During that time other members had "wordless bible" that they were handing out and giving kids the message of Jesus. It was a great outreach!
Also here are some pictures of recent trips to disneyland. The adventure never ends there!
Monday, November 10, 2008
okay let's see...
There is this thing going around. Here, here, and several other places. Anyways the last one finally "tagged me" so here I go.... 7 things about myself and then tag 7 other people (if there are 7 other people left).
1. I'm dyslexic. I'm not just saying I'm dyslexic because I'm a little slower then other people. I really am dyslexic. I got pulled out of school when I was in 4th grade because I couldn't keep up. I got put into "Special Education" and was horribly made fun off by other kids because I was "retarded". It drives me nuts, absolutes no excuse when I see people joking around "in good clean fun" about people who are "retarded". It is not funny and it is not a good role model for the younger people in the family. Anyways it runs in my family and I worked my butt off to study just that much harder to be able to be mediocre in normal school. By middle school I was in normal classes and I haven't let up since.
2. I love baking. I know that isn't new news to anyone. BUT I'm not crazy about eating my own baked goods. I mostly like having other people eat them. It's the one thing you can bring and people love. Saying, "here i made you a chicken" just doesn't have the same affect as cookies. In fact when I make my christmas cookies I have to force myself to try a piece just to make sure it doesn't taste horrible. I think I am my worst critic.
3. My parents always fight during the holidays. I don't know, call it the stress of it all. I've heard it is fairly common. Well I hated it growing up but now it doesn't feel like Christmas without it. So let's just say right now is holiday time. : )
4. I have a tatoo, which most of you know. But I got it to represent my freedom. It's not rebellion. It showed myself that I was an individual and in charge of myself. I am know my own person. It represents a lot of good things I like about myself. And I love having it. If you are a teenager reading this...I didn't get my tatoo till I was 23 years old and that's how old you have to be. LOL
5. I have a minor in youth ministries that was defiantly God ordained. But I haven't seen God use it yet and I don't know if He ever will. What was that all about God?
6. One day when I retire I keep talking to Russell about opening up a cafe or small restaurant or bakery. Just to see if we can make it.
7. I play the piano, clarinet and bass clarinet. And I have messed around with the violin and the guitar. But I loved the days when I was in a concert band or a marching band. I loved it. I wish someday that I could get back involved with it. But right now I don't think I can because I don't think I would be able to take enough time that I feel I need to practice.
Here are my 7 people to pass it on... Jennifer, Jessica, Yvoone, Hatie, and I can't think of anyone else. But if you are up for the challenge....
1. I'm dyslexic. I'm not just saying I'm dyslexic because I'm a little slower then other people. I really am dyslexic. I got pulled out of school when I was in 4th grade because I couldn't keep up. I got put into "Special Education" and was horribly made fun off by other kids because I was "retarded". It drives me nuts, absolutes no excuse when I see people joking around "in good clean fun" about people who are "retarded". It is not funny and it is not a good role model for the younger people in the family. Anyways it runs in my family and I worked my butt off to study just that much harder to be able to be mediocre in normal school. By middle school I was in normal classes and I haven't let up since.
2. I love baking. I know that isn't new news to anyone. BUT I'm not crazy about eating my own baked goods. I mostly like having other people eat them. It's the one thing you can bring and people love. Saying, "here i made you a chicken" just doesn't have the same affect as cookies. In fact when I make my christmas cookies I have to force myself to try a piece just to make sure it doesn't taste horrible. I think I am my worst critic.
3. My parents always fight during the holidays. I don't know, call it the stress of it all. I've heard it is fairly common. Well I hated it growing up but now it doesn't feel like Christmas without it. So let's just say right now is holiday time. : )
4. I have a tatoo, which most of you know. But I got it to represent my freedom. It's not rebellion. It showed myself that I was an individual and in charge of myself. I am know my own person. It represents a lot of good things I like about myself. And I love having it. If you are a teenager reading this...I didn't get my tatoo till I was 23 years old and that's how old you have to be. LOL
5. I have a minor in youth ministries that was defiantly God ordained. But I haven't seen God use it yet and I don't know if He ever will. What was that all about God?
6. One day when I retire I keep talking to Russell about opening up a cafe or small restaurant or bakery. Just to see if we can make it.
7. I play the piano, clarinet and bass clarinet. And I have messed around with the violin and the guitar. But I loved the days when I was in a concert band or a marching band. I loved it. I wish someday that I could get back involved with it. But right now I don't think I can because I don't think I would be able to take enough time that I feel I need to practice.
Here are my 7 people to pass it on... Jennifer, Jessica, Yvoone, Hatie, and I can't think of anyone else. But if you are up for the challenge....
Monday, November 3, 2008
~ Our Wonderful Vacation ~
Sorry it has taken me so long to post the pictures of our trip. We misplaced our camera (again)! (We did it once on the trip). It is a nice camera and we spent a pretty penny on it. But it was ALL THOSE PICTURES that were so upsetting to loose. Well check out the slideshow and you can get the point. These are the edited, only good shot ones.
By the way the camera was in our electronics bag that we had, tucked away in a pocket that both Russell and I had searched through a million times. I'm just glad we found it.
Also some GREAT news!!!! Russell and I bought disney annual passes. I told russell if we had enough money left over from our trip to PA we could buy them and sure enough. That boy does very well on a budget. Without clean cut spending rules, lets just say not so good. So we had to buy a disposible camera for pictures of disneyland and Halloween. So more pictures to come. (So if you guys ever want to come with us to disneyland give us a buzz. At this point we can't get enough of it.)
We had such a great time both in PA and in disneyland. It was a great vacation! Thank you Aunt Corky and Uncle Tom for letting us invade your house, take charge of your schedules, burn your gas in your cars, and giving us a wonderful time and all the other inconviences I'm sure we caused. And thank you Jeremie, Kate, Kyle, Nicole, and Colton for visiting with us and showing us a good time.
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
By the way the camera was in our electronics bag that we had, tucked away in a pocket that both Russell and I had searched through a million times. I'm just glad we found it.
Also some GREAT news!!!! Russell and I bought disney annual passes. I told russell if we had enough money left over from our trip to PA we could buy them and sure enough. That boy does very well on a budget. Without clean cut spending rules, lets just say not so good. So we had to buy a disposible camera for pictures of disneyland and Halloween. So more pictures to come. (So if you guys ever want to come with us to disneyland give us a buzz. At this point we can't get enough of it.)
We had such a great time both in PA and in disneyland. It was a great vacation! Thank you Aunt Corky and Uncle Tom for letting us invade your house, take charge of your schedules, burn your gas in your cars, and giving us a wonderful time and all the other inconviences I'm sure we caused. And thank you Jeremie, Kate, Kyle, Nicole, and Colton for visiting with us and showing us a good time.
Friday, October 17, 2008
making up for two weddings and a baby
Extremely early tomorrow morning Russell, Penelope, and I are going to be leaving for Pittsburg, PA. Russell has some family that live out there. And we have missed two weddings and one birth. Our usual complication with all of them was schedule conflicts.
So off we go into the wild blue yonder! I'm so looking forward to it. In the mean time I am buzzing around trying to get all the last minute tasks done. Wish me luck. And say a little prayer for happy traveling.
pictures to come. : )
So off we go into the wild blue yonder! I'm so looking forward to it. In the mean time I am buzzing around trying to get all the last minute tasks done. Wish me luck. And say a little prayer for happy traveling.
pictures to come. : )
Thursday, October 9, 2008
It's Arrived!!
In case you haven't gotten the delivery yet. Pampered Chef has arrived.

Here are all the boxes at my door. It was a lot of stuff!
Anyways the big thing with me in hosting a Pampered Chef party is getting new pots and pans. You see my pots and pans were a cheapy set I got for college. They were warped, scratched, the handles had melted to the lids. What, you don't believe me? I took pictures. : ) Now my pots and pans are professional quality, pretty and clean. And the best part they have a lifetime garantee. If they get scratched I just get another one, no charge. How wonderful is that! I was soooo happy at getting my stuff that I unpacked my stuff before everyone else and sang to myself while doing so. I was in my happy place.
Here are all the boxes at my door. It was a lot of stuff!
Anyways the big thing with me in hosting a Pampered Chef party is getting new pots and pans. You see my pots and pans were a cheapy set I got for college. They were warped, scratched, the handles had melted to the lids. What, you don't believe me? I took pictures. : ) Now my pots and pans are professional quality, pretty and clean. And the best part they have a lifetime garantee. If they get scratched I just get another one, no charge. How wonderful is that! I was soooo happy at getting my stuff that I unpacked my stuff before everyone else and sang to myself while doing so. I was in my happy place.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Yom Kippur
Happy Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)! I'm in a women's bible study Wednesday morning where we are watching videos with Beth Moore preach A Women's Heart: God's Dwelling Place. It's basically a bible study about the tabernacle.
Anyways we are learning about the traditions of the priest and what he needed to do in the tabernacle. I started joking around with the ladies. I am a very visual thinker. So I'm picturing this...
The afternoon sun gleams down in a hot dessert, a crowd of people surrounding a tent patiently waiting for a man's return as he enters in. It's an old Jewish priest entering into a tent site, slowly but assuringly. His whole attire is made with the finest linen and embroidered like none other. From top to bottom, from the embroidered tunic, robe, chestpiece, ephod, turban, and sash; he is dressed immaculate (Exodus 28). Oddly there is a rope tied around his ankle and bells around his bottom of his hem, jingling as he takes each step entering in. First the Holy. Later he will enter into the Holy of Holies (Exodus 26:33). And that is as close as he will ever come. It is this one day that he has the chance. This one day he will meet God. Until someday when God takes him up to heaven and he gets to say "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY" (Revelations 4:8).
Can you picture it like I can? I started joking around during the discussion. We have learned all the little things that are in the tabernacle and their use. You see he goes and sacrifices a bull over coals in the braisin altar (Exodus 27). I picture a huge bull, like the one you would see running the streets of Spain in the Running of the Bulls. You smell the smell of....meat? BBQ meat? He takes the coals to altar of incense inside of the Holy Place. And he has to take some of the blood to the ark of the covenant. At the veil he splatters blood on it. And the coals probably have some of the smell left on them. I know they are using incense. But it seems pretty messy and not the most attractive smell in the world. At this point he probably has attracted flies and who knows what else. I can't imagine this smelling all that great for God to refer to it as a sweet fragrance.
One of the other ladies at the table mentioned a time she had visited Guatemala. They had just arrived and got to their destination and got outside the car when a smell hit them. She described it as the best fragrance as ever before. They kept on commenting on that wonderful smell. It filled the whole place, the whole surrounding. It turns out they had arrived the same time that Guatemala does their processional for Easter. In their processional they used the incense, as talked about here. BUT they were a quarter of a mile away. Wow, that incense! God is really El Elyon (God Most High, Creator and Possessor of Heaven and Earth)(Genesis 14:19-20, 22-23). Jehovah Jireh (The Lord who sees and who provides)(Phillipian 4:19). God is truly Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord our Righteousness) (Jeremiah 23:5-6).
Can you see it happen before you? Back to the old priest. Can you see it all now?Sometimes I feel like one of the crowd just peering in, watching the man walk away from me. Awaiting for his return. Just outside, looking in, and waiting. Wishing I could be there. Wondering what it is like. Wondering what the priest is doing next. I want a piece of that God. I want a piece of that blessing that the priest will speak over the crowd. I want to go past that veil and get so close I can almost touch You. So close that I have to remove my shoes. So close that if I get any closer I would have to go to heaven. I want to see that incense traveling up (Psalm 141:1-2); the white smoke billowing around me as prayers lifted up to Your Name.
Thank You Jesus that You sacrificed (Hebrews 6:19-20, Hebrews 10:19-20). Thank You that you tore the veil in half. That now we can call on You. We can come. We can enter in. We can ENTER IN (John 3: 16). To feel You, to be with El Shaddai (God All-powerful and all-sufficient) (Genesis 17:1). Jehovah Shammah (The Lord is there)(Ezekiel 48:35).
John 11:41-42
Anyways we are learning about the traditions of the priest and what he needed to do in the tabernacle. I started joking around with the ladies. I am a very visual thinker. So I'm picturing this...
The afternoon sun gleams down in a hot dessert, a crowd of people surrounding a tent patiently waiting for a man's return as he enters in. It's an old Jewish priest entering into a tent site, slowly but assuringly. His whole attire is made with the finest linen and embroidered like none other. From top to bottom, from the embroidered tunic, robe, chestpiece, ephod, turban, and sash; he is dressed immaculate (Exodus 28). Oddly there is a rope tied around his ankle and bells around his bottom of his hem, jingling as he takes each step entering in. First the Holy. Later he will enter into the Holy of Holies (Exodus 26:33). And that is as close as he will ever come. It is this one day that he has the chance. This one day he will meet God. Until someday when God takes him up to heaven and he gets to say "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY" (Revelations 4:8).
Can you picture it like I can? I started joking around during the discussion. We have learned all the little things that are in the tabernacle and their use. You see he goes and sacrifices a bull over coals in the braisin altar (Exodus 27). I picture a huge bull, like the one you would see running the streets of Spain in the Running of the Bulls. You smell the smell of....meat? BBQ meat? He takes the coals to altar of incense inside of the Holy Place. And he has to take some of the blood to the ark of the covenant. At the veil he splatters blood on it. And the coals probably have some of the smell left on them. I know they are using incense. But it seems pretty messy and not the most attractive smell in the world. At this point he probably has attracted flies and who knows what else. I can't imagine this smelling all that great for God to refer to it as a sweet fragrance.
One of the other ladies at the table mentioned a time she had visited Guatemala. They had just arrived and got to their destination and got outside the car when a smell hit them. She described it as the best fragrance as ever before. They kept on commenting on that wonderful smell. It filled the whole place, the whole surrounding. It turns out they had arrived the same time that Guatemala does their processional for Easter. In their processional they used the incense, as talked about here. BUT they were a quarter of a mile away. Wow, that incense! God is really El Elyon (God Most High, Creator and Possessor of Heaven and Earth)(Genesis 14:19-20, 22-23). Jehovah Jireh (The Lord who sees and who provides)(Phillipian 4:19). God is truly Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord our Righteousness) (Jeremiah 23:5-6).
Can you see it happen before you? Back to the old priest. Can you see it all now?Sometimes I feel like one of the crowd just peering in, watching the man walk away from me. Awaiting for his return. Just outside, looking in, and waiting. Wishing I could be there. Wondering what it is like. Wondering what the priest is doing next. I want a piece of that God. I want a piece of that blessing that the priest will speak over the crowd. I want to go past that veil and get so close I can almost touch You. So close that I have to remove my shoes. So close that if I get any closer I would have to go to heaven. I want to see that incense traveling up (Psalm 141:1-2); the white smoke billowing around me as prayers lifted up to Your Name.
Thank You Jesus that You sacrificed (Hebrews 6:19-20, Hebrews 10:19-20). Thank You that you tore the veil in half. That now we can call on You. We can come. We can enter in. We can ENTER IN (John 3: 16). To feel You, to be with El Shaddai (God All-powerful and all-sufficient) (Genesis 17:1). Jehovah Shammah (The Lord is there)(Ezekiel 48:35).
John 11:41-42
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
What I've been up to lately...
Well i went to download my camera and realized I had a lot of pictures that I haven't uploaded yet!
So here are some of the excitting adventures that I have taken part of this summer.
Here is a slideshow of some of the fun activities we did...
Tent Camping with Stade II and Stade III
you can read an excellent narrative wrriten by Mrs. Stade II here.
After this I took a trip to the Zoo with some friends and their kids. It was fun getting out. All the kids were tired and it was hot and humid. So we did a lot and then came back home.
So here are some of the excitting adventures that I have taken part of this summer.
Here is a slideshow of some of the fun activities we did...
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Tent Camping with Stade II and Stade III
you can read an excellent narrative wrriten by Mrs. Stade II here.
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
After this I took a trip to the Zoo with some friends and their kids. It was fun getting out. All the kids were tired and it was hot and humid. So we did a lot and then came back home.
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Friday, September 26, 2008
Getting away
One thing I love is getting away. Getting away even for a weekend. Just up and leaving town and going to somewhere else. Somewhere different. It's just the best thing ever.
Russell and I are leaving for Santa Margarita KOA to go camping with Jason and Nicky and their family. It's the first time we have ever taken Penelope camping, so wish us luck. But I am so looking forward to it. If you ask either Russell or I what our favorite trip together was beside our honeymoon. It was a trip up to Morro Bay in the county of San Louis Obispo. Which is right in the area we will be going to. Hopefully we can check out Hurst Castle, our favorite winery, and so much more.
And to celebrate getting away I changed the music playlist to suite. Hope you all enjoy!
Russell and I are leaving for Santa Margarita KOA to go camping with Jason and Nicky and their family. It's the first time we have ever taken Penelope camping, so wish us luck. But I am so looking forward to it. If you ask either Russell or I what our favorite trip together was beside our honeymoon. It was a trip up to Morro Bay in the county of San Louis Obispo. Which is right in the area we will be going to. Hopefully we can check out Hurst Castle, our favorite winery, and so much more.
And to celebrate getting away I changed the music playlist to suite. Hope you all enjoy!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
German techno rubber ducky.....what?
On behalf of my daughter who loves Sesame street, here are a couple really funny clips....
German techno rubber ducky
obviously a german with a little too much time on his hands
Meal or no meal
German techno rubber ducky
obviously a german with a little too much time on his hands
Meal or no meal
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder
So Lucille read this to me the other day. I thought it was really funny; in fact it is exactly what I did all day at work. Can you believe they trust me with ICU patients?
Joke of the Day - A.A.A.D.D. - Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.
This is how is manifests itself:
I decide to wash my car. As I start toward to the garage, I notice
that there is mail on the hall table. I decide to go through the
mail before I wash the car. I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the trash can under the table, and notice that the trash can is full. So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the trash first, but then I think that since I’m going to be near the mailbox when I take out the trash anyway, I may as well pay the bills first. I take my checkbook off the table and see that there is only one check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go to my desk where I find the can of Coke that I had been drinking. I’m going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don’t accidentally knock it over. I see that the Coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold. As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye–they need to be watered. I set the Coke down on the counter and I discover my reading glasses that I’ve been searching for all morning. I decide I’d better put them back on my desk, but first I’m going to water the flowers. I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water, and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table. I realize that tonight, when we go to watch TV, we will be looking for the remote, but nobody will remember that it’s on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I’ll water the flowers. I splash some water on the flowers, but most of it spills on the floor. So, I set the remote back down on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do. At the end of the day; the car isn’t washed, the bills aren’t paid, there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter, the flowers aren’t watered, there is still only one check in my checkbook, I can’t find the remote, I can’t find my glasses, and I don’t remember
what I did with the car keys.
Joke of the Day - A.A.A.D.D. - Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.
This is how is manifests itself:
I decide to wash my car. As I start toward to the garage, I notice
that there is mail on the hall table. I decide to go through the
mail before I wash the car. I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the trash can under the table, and notice that the trash can is full. So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the trash first, but then I think that since I’m going to be near the mailbox when I take out the trash anyway, I may as well pay the bills first. I take my checkbook off the table and see that there is only one check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go to my desk where I find the can of Coke that I had been drinking. I’m going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don’t accidentally knock it over. I see that the Coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold. As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye–they need to be watered. I set the Coke down on the counter and I discover my reading glasses that I’ve been searching for all morning. I decide I’d better put them back on my desk, but first I’m going to water the flowers. I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water, and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table. I realize that tonight, when we go to watch TV, we will be looking for the remote, but nobody will remember that it’s on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I’ll water the flowers. I splash some water on the flowers, but most of it spills on the floor. So, I set the remote back down on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do. At the end of the day; the car isn’t washed, the bills aren’t paid, there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter, the flowers aren’t watered, there is still only one check in my checkbook, I can’t find the remote, I can’t find my glasses, and I don’t remember
what I did with the car keys.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Those three numbers bring back memories. Memories about where you were, who you knew, and the things that followed.
I had a friend who worked one block away from the Pentagon when 9-11 hit. On the 2 month anniversary she took a trip to NY and visited what use to be the Twin Towers. She brought some pictures back for me.

The green fence in the background is the baracade of the twin towers destruction. The sky line shines through, where once before you were only in a shadow.

When the twin towers crashed down it was so powerful that it blew out windows from the surrounding structures.


her only peek through the fenced in area.

The streets around the area had poles and walls covered in a memorial to what had happened. I would love to see a picture now of those streets. I bet they are still covered.
I had a friend who worked one block away from the Pentagon when 9-11 hit. On the 2 month anniversary she took a trip to NY and visited what use to be the Twin Towers. She brought some pictures back for me.

The green fence in the background is the baracade of the twin towers destruction. The sky line shines through, where once before you were only in a shadow.

When the twin towers crashed down it was so powerful that it blew out windows from the surrounding structures.


her only peek through the fenced in area.

The streets around the area had poles and walls covered in a memorial to what had happened. I would love to see a picture now of those streets. I bet they are still covered.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I'm having a party

I'm having a PARTY on Monday. Drop me a comment if you haven't got the evite and I'll send it to you. It's a Pampered Chef party by one of my friends. And we are doing decadent desserts or like I like to say "death by chocolate".
thinking out loud
Lets just say that my prayer list has a lot of aspects.
Russell and I have signed up to work in Children's ministries. It's kind of exciting. We haven't been involved in ministry at this church since we started going there 2 years ago. It's been a long break. I needed a long break before when I left a very small church. But I didn't take it. I got right involved in ministry when we had gone to Gardena Valley. I don't see in retrospect yet if the ministry I was involved in was affected by it. Maybe a little. Hopefully God's grace was sufficient. Russell and I took a long time to be acquainted with Kings Harbor Church (where we are currently going). I have made several comments to Russell that I now feel like it is home. It is a very large church. Much larger then I have ever attended. It took us a while before you walk in and recognize the people, know them by name, and are friends with them. Our church started out 12 members 10 years ago when Senior Pastor Chris took over. It just grew very fast. Either way I'm looking forward to this small part that we will be getting involved in. Looking forward to branching out a little bit more. Looking forward to being used by God again--hopefully.
I also have had a lot of things happen to me lately. A lot of things around me that don't really involve me but still seem to affect me. I have realized how real demonic forces can be by a family member I care a lot about. And the eerie remembrance that The Screwtape Letters is in some ways not a fictional book. I am also amazed, in another way, at how a person's walk with Christ can become so pulled apart when they go through hard times. But like my grandmother has said, "you never know what goes on behind closed doors". So I just don't know. Then I have a growing friend who's mother went into the hospital. Maybe it is the Holy Spirits tug, maybe it is because I am a nurse, or maybe it is just a coincidence. But I have a strong pull to pray for healing. Sadly I have yet been a part of one despite my most earnest prayers. I'm starting to now pray for the logical approach. I know the medical answer. I know there is a place for this in God's healing hand. It's just not the amazing one. The one where people can't deny the fullness of God. The one that changes lives, hopefully, for a lifetime. That's the one I want to be a part of. Not just the day to day grind that I come to about twice a week called working as a RN.
Russell and I have signed up to work in Children's ministries. It's kind of exciting. We haven't been involved in ministry at this church since we started going there 2 years ago. It's been a long break. I needed a long break before when I left a very small church. But I didn't take it. I got right involved in ministry when we had gone to Gardena Valley. I don't see in retrospect yet if the ministry I was involved in was affected by it. Maybe a little. Hopefully God's grace was sufficient. Russell and I took a long time to be acquainted with Kings Harbor Church (where we are currently going). I have made several comments to Russell that I now feel like it is home. It is a very large church. Much larger then I have ever attended. It took us a while before you walk in and recognize the people, know them by name, and are friends with them. Our church started out 12 members 10 years ago when Senior Pastor Chris took over. It just grew very fast. Either way I'm looking forward to this small part that we will be getting involved in. Looking forward to branching out a little bit more. Looking forward to being used by God again--hopefully.
I also have had a lot of things happen to me lately. A lot of things around me that don't really involve me but still seem to affect me. I have realized how real demonic forces can be by a family member I care a lot about. And the eerie remembrance that The Screwtape Letters is in some ways not a fictional book. I am also amazed, in another way, at how a person's walk with Christ can become so pulled apart when they go through hard times. But like my grandmother has said, "you never know what goes on behind closed doors". So I just don't know. Then I have a growing friend who's mother went into the hospital. Maybe it is the Holy Spirits tug, maybe it is because I am a nurse, or maybe it is just a coincidence. But I have a strong pull to pray for healing. Sadly I have yet been a part of one despite my most earnest prayers. I'm starting to now pray for the logical approach. I know the medical answer. I know there is a place for this in God's healing hand. It's just not the amazing one. The one where people can't deny the fullness of God. The one that changes lives, hopefully, for a lifetime. That's the one I want to be a part of. Not just the day to day grind that I come to about twice a week called working as a RN.
Friday, August 22, 2008
1 year old and a little more
Penelope had her 1 year check up earlier this week. I know I'm late. It was actually done at 13 months. Oh well. She weighed in at 23 lbs 4 ozs (in the 75%). And 33 inches tall (again off the charts). People keep asking me if I was "off the charts tall" when I was a kid. And the answer is no. I was always near the 100th percentile but not off the charts. And my sister, who is now 6 feet tall, was always shorter then me if we compared age to age. She just had an additional growth spurt that I missed, thank God. So needless to say. I hope all you other moms are making tall boys because my girl is going to be a tall one. Maybe she'll play for the Olympics 2028 in women's volleyball.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Back to my roots
I had a great time with you reminiscing. I so wish I could find the one picture when we were in elementary school standing in front of the submarine ride at Disney. Looking totally 80's with yellow kid band aides on my knees.
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
a little of it all
Recently a friend of mine posted a blog about Environmental Hysteria. I do have to admit it was hilarious! But because I have talked about environmental issues a lot lately I would like to bring up some issues. I want to say that in no way should anyone just follow the leader and not think for themselves. I don't care if you are in a church, at school, with your friends, or in an organization that you really like. People need to think and take responsibility for themselves.
Also a really big point that gets missed in being "earth friendly" is conservation. That means not buying stuff. Why does it get missed? Because people don't make money if you don't buy anything. Check out buy nothing challenge. Or there is a new acronym APLS (Afluent persons living sustainably) which you can read about here, or here, or here with a sustainable superhero.
Read about american enviornmental actions. Or read this article, it will scare you.
I guess if all else fails we can always have the response of this guy....
Also a really big point that gets missed in being "earth friendly" is conservation. That means not buying stuff. Why does it get missed? Because people don't make money if you don't buy anything. Check out buy nothing challenge. Or there is a new acronym APLS (Afluent persons living sustainably) which you can read about here, or here, or here with a sustainable superhero.
Read about american enviornmental actions. Or read this article, it will scare you.
I guess if all else fails we can always have the response of this guy....
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mission of Motherhood
A slight coincidence......I got some books I ordered from amazon yesterday. Three actually: Pagan Christianity By. F. Viola, Grace Based Parenting By. T. Kimmel, and The Mission of Motherhood: Touching your childs heart for eternity By. S. Clarkson. I started reading The Mission of Motherhood last night before I went to bed and then laid out my work cloths for today. Penelope woke up every 2 hours last night. So after a while the hours that became left to have a "good nights rest" didn't amount to much. So today I'm home and now awake, but maybe later I can go back to sleep.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
ramblings of the world, disney, and green things
I like travel and I like unique things from traveling--even if I wasn't the one who went there. So I thought I would share some of the things that I have collected from around the world. I would love to see what it is that is unique in your house that you love.
Here is also a couple of pictures of our trip to Disneyland.

On our first day, while Russell and I were on Space Mountain all the lights went on and the ride slowly came to a stop. So we decided to take some pictures of what it is like inside of Space Mountain. It defiantly isn't as scary in the light.



Russell and I near the entrance of California Adventure.

Penelope and I on the dumbo ride


Daddy and Mama take turns carring Penelope all day. It worked out pretty well. And Penelope had a great time. Here's wishing for Season passes...someday.
Here is some more ramblings I started the other day but didn't get to posting...
I think of myself as a person who strives to be "green" conscious. I'm not perfect, but I try very hard to commit myself to a couple things that are within my reach to do. I would say that it has been a very slow process of the little efforts that make it up. But sometimes when I venture onto other sites that are green, or environmentally friendly, or organic, or whatever they like to call themselves. I feel so less than adequate.
You know what I like a down-to-earth world conscious discussion. Because after all we are all not made for some things. But we can all put in effort. I found Green Bean Dreams which seems to be at a reachable standard.
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Here is also a couple of pictures of our trip to Disneyland.
On our first day, while Russell and I were on Space Mountain all the lights went on and the ride slowly came to a stop. So we decided to take some pictures of what it is like inside of Space Mountain. It defiantly isn't as scary in the light.
Russell and I near the entrance of California Adventure.
Penelope and I on the dumbo ride
Daddy and Mama take turns carring Penelope all day. It worked out pretty well. And Penelope had a great time. Here's wishing for Season passes...someday.
Here is some more ramblings I started the other day but didn't get to posting...
I think of myself as a person who strives to be "green" conscious. I'm not perfect, but I try very hard to commit myself to a couple things that are within my reach to do. I would say that it has been a very slow process of the little efforts that make it up. But sometimes when I venture onto other sites that are green, or environmentally friendly, or organic, or whatever they like to call themselves. I feel so less than adequate.
You know what I like a down-to-earth world conscious discussion. Because after all we are all not made for some things. But we can all put in effort. I found Green Bean Dreams which seems to be at a reachable standard.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
almost 100
according to my blog this would be my 100th post. Except for the fact that I didn't actually post all my posts. So I'm 4 short. What do you ask? What were the other posts about? Well some of them we're just me babeling about something and I just didn't finish it in time so it didn't get uploaded and some I just wanted to talk without anyone hearing so it intentionally didn't get posted. Sorry folks I'm still not sharing the later with you. But I'm going to share the others. Only two people know my all inclusive password and can get to it. One is my husband and wouldn't put that much effort into the computer, plus he knows everything anyways. And the other....well lets just say she's been warned ; )
Anyways here are some of the unimportant posts that didn't make it...
Had some down time so I thought I would give you guys some interesting facts.
How to save on fuel cost:
1. avoid quick starts and stops, use cruise control on the highway and don't idle.
2. every 5 mph you drive above 60 mph on the freeway is like paying an additional 10 cents per gallon for gas.
3. maintaining you vehicle in top condition will improve gas mileage by an average of 4.1%
4. keeping your tires inflated to proper pressure would improve gas mileage by 3.3%
Read more here
....see now wasn't that excitting. I know that you guys wouldn't be fulfilled without it. : )
Anyways here are some of the unimportant posts that didn't make it...
Had some down time so I thought I would give you guys some interesting facts.
How to save on fuel cost:
1. avoid quick starts and stops, use cruise control on the highway and don't idle.
2. every 5 mph you drive above 60 mph on the freeway is like paying an additional 10 cents per gallon for gas.
3. maintaining you vehicle in top condition will improve gas mileage by an average of 4.1%
4. keeping your tires inflated to proper pressure would improve gas mileage by 3.3%
Read more here
....see now wasn't that excitting. I know that you guys wouldn't be fulfilled without it. : )
Saturday, July 26, 2008
in the happy place
just saying hello! thought maybe I can stir up some controversy or at least joke around. :) though I doubt my blog is going to get that much attention.
we are in tomorrow land but we are probably going to go to splash mountain after this because its hot. having a blast just incase you wondered
we are in tomorrow land but we are probably going to go to splash mountain after this because its hot. having a blast just incase you wondered
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Let's vote!

Our second anniversary is this tuesday. So Russell and I are celebrating but we can't decide what to do. Our first anniversary was celebrated with a 3 day old infant, us finally out of the hospital, and going to sunday brunch at the Queen Mary. (Which was very nice.) But this anniversary we plan on doing something really nice on our own. Without me draped under a baby blanket trying to nurse a baby and more worried about our smallest bundle then celebrating our union. So we are defiantly leaving the slightly larger bundle and Grandna's.
So here is the thing. I really wanted to go to Catalina Island for the day but I found out that a round trip boat ride to Catalina per person is $66.50. Then I thought that a disneyland ticket is $66, 50 cents cheaper!
Here is where the problem starts. We start to get really excitted about going to disneyland. Russell and I have been tempting ourselves by talking about season passes but haven't actually got all the funds together yet. So it starts off well a one park ticket is only $66 and for only $25 dollars more we have a hopper ticket at $91. And we can actually go for two days with a hopper ticket for $132. And that is only $41 for a whole extra day and then we can bring the baby on the 2nd day. Plus it's a weekend and we want to be able to see as much as we can. So this way we can totally do it all on a 2 day pass. But then we are spending $264. And the first annual pass is only $318. And that is practically enough for a annual pass. So shouldn't we save the money for a season pass and not spend it all right now? So we are back at square one....."Honey, what do you want to do for our anniversary?"
What do you think?
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